8/28 B: A bowl of French Green Beans, Mixed Fruit (strawberry, grape, melon), Orange Juice / S: 小番茄一碗 / L: Turkey&Bacon&Blue Cheese Sandwich, Doritos chips, black tea / S: melon, watermelon / D: 白飯一碗配雞肉蔬菜煮, 涼拌海帶, 豬耳朵
8/29 B: 豆漿一杯, kiwi*1, sweet rolls*2, basil& green onion fried egg / L: 三蔬雞肉烏龍麵, melon&watermelon一大碗 / S: bagel crisp, Doritos / D: 鹽煎鮭魚, 炒油菜, 涼拌海帶, 醬燒油豆腐, apple pear*1
8/30 B: Greek yogurt* 1 cup, french bread夾肉鬆, mixed fruit / L: 偽親子飯配青江菜, Nectarine * 1/ S: puff, cookies, grape tomato / D: 白飯配西芹牛肉, 拌豆乾, 大黃瓜炒蛋, strawberry+green grape / S: 豆漿一杯
8/31 B: Strawberry yogurt*1, sweet rolls夾肉鬆, black tea / L: 菜肉包, 番茄炒飯一碗, steamed french beans with garlic and sun-dried tomato, nectarine*1/ D: 白飯配雞豬雙炒, 魚板青江菜, scrambled eggs with basil+carrots, strawberry
9/1 B: Greek yogurt+草莓, 起士肉鬆土司, kiwi*1 / L:番茄雞肉煨麵(加了油豆腐更好吃), orange juice*1杯, barley biscuit / D: @Fu-man大水餃*6, 炒飯一大碗, 酸辣湯, fortune cookie, cantaloupe
9/2 B: croissant, 豆漿一杯 / L: 菜肉包*1, steamed french beans with sun-dried tomato, apple pear, strawberry, 老婆餅*1 / D: 日式烏龍面, cantaloupe
9/3 B: Greek yogurt with strawberry and prune, 起士肉鬆土司 / S: 豆漿一杯, 鳳梨酥*1, 香蔥蘇打一包/S: 越南三明治, 香蔥蘇打兩包 / D: 燒肉串, 番茄炒綠花椰, croissant, ginger ale, apple pear
9/4 B: 香筍包, 老婆餅, 豆漿一杯, kiwi / L: 蔥蛋炒飯兩大碗,番茄炒綠花椰 / D: @鼎泰豐, 涼拌乾絲, 炸排骨, 牛肉麵, 小籠湯包, 蟹粉小籠, 綜合刨冰
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Visiting Boston, Day Five
Me on Freedom Trail |
Geoffrey on Freedom Trail |
Day Five, 8/25: 在旅館用完早餐, 吳小兵依舊很認真的在旅館聽音樂看小說. 中午等周小兵開會ㄧ結束, 我們就準備去行軍, 今天的目標是Freedom Trail (http://www.thefreedomtrail.org/). 就從最近的Faneuil Hall開始, 往市區方向前進, 沿著路上鑲磚塊或是劃紅線的路線行走. 中午就搭T到China Town吃飲茶, 不過比Seattle這邊的飲茶弱很多, 這裡就不特別提了, 只能說以後到Boston可以不用去找這類的用餐地點了. 走一圈下來, 這天的天氣剛好比較悶熱, 所以我們就選擇還是走完後, 下午回到旅館吹冷氣午休. 晚餐就走路去外帶一份沙拉, 一大片Pizza跟一大份Panini回旅館, 配電視享用!!
The site of first public school |
Benjamin Franklin in front of Old City Hall (now Ruth's Chris Steakhouse) |
Visiting Boston, Day Four
以下開始用親愛的中文繼續 (前面的部分是人還在Boston用周小兵沒有中文輸入的電腦記下的. I gotta write them down before my memory betrays me.)
North End @ Boston |
Boston Marina |
Day four, 8/24: 在飯店輕鬆的享用準備好的肉鬆麵包跟小餐包跟柳橙汁, 不用急著出門覓食, 在飯店的好處就是有健身房跟游泳池. 所以隨時可以上去走兩圈, 順便拿個水果(有apple, banana, orange)當點心. 有時候人在異地, 尤其是旅遊地區, 附近也真的沒看到有超市或是賣蔬菜水果的. 所以往往好幾天下來會吃不到甚麼水果. 到這家飯店的健身房雖然不大, 但是有附有電視的踏步機就夠我用的了. 前幾天也在外面曬了不少太陽, 所以今天採室內活動, 有人很認真的去開會, 我當然也要很認真的玩樂, 今天在旅館用了一下健身房, 吃過午餐就帶著帽子出門, 沿著旅館旁Boston Marina走一圈, 看著好多遊客等著搭cruise/ferry, 也很多人作日光浴, 在草地上野餐. 下午就在房間內的貴妃椅看我帶去的小說, 聽著爵士電台的放送的音樂.
然後等辛苦聽talk的人回來, 稍作休息後, 就輕鬆的散步去小義大利區用晚餐. 今日晚餐是在一家小不啦嘰的餐館Pomodoro用餐, 整個店只有一個笑容滿面的可愛女服務生負責外場. 聽說他的義大利麵有名, 所以我們兩個人就分享了一個招牌前菜antipasti platter(很多小菜組合 white bean, green bean, calamari, artichoke, potato, stuffed cherry pepper, prosciutto, cheese, olive), 配上隨餐附上的熱呼呼小餐包跟橄欖油, 然後慢慢配著紅酒 (是周小兵喝的!)一邊聊天一邊嘗各種味道, 然後某人就說他一點半飽了. 親切的服務生看我們兩個點一盤海鮮麵要share, 廚房很體貼的自動幫我們分成兩盤, 料也均分, 還不外加分盤費用 (ps. 在ㄧ些西餐的地方, 如果一份餐點要請廚房分兩個盤子裝, 是要另外收費的!). 在美國, 餐點的分量通常不小, 久了我們也習慣點來分食, 而盡量不要點太多, 吃不完浪費, 吃過多又把胃撐得不舒服. 尤其出外旅遊, 又不會打包食物留到下一餐再用.
Half-way through with disposed shells |
不過一看到送到面前的"半盤麵", 就非常慶幸只有點一份兩個人分, 因為實在料多太實在了. 看到熱呼呼的麵就很開心地吃起來, 忘了先照相記念. 不過一盤Linquine扁麵上面覆蓋海鮮有蝦子, 淡菜, 花枝, 鮭魚, clam. 除了淡菜是我不敢吃的以外, 其它的都好好食阿, 帶點辣味的番茄醬汁, 麵也很Q. 飯後又慢慢散步踱回旅館旁的冰淇淋小店, 一人一球 (banana + passion fruit).
Visiting Boston, Day Three
Dunkin Donuts Brunch |
Me & the Hot Dog Cart |
John Harvard with a tour guide |
We took T to Harvard square station and spent a good time walking around the campus and see if we can get a little smarter after the tour. After a walk, some iced tea would seem just perfect. It can be iced coffee but Geoffrey and I are not coffee drinkers for different reasons. I googled a tea place called Dado tea nearby, and finally sat down to enjoy a cup of iced tea. Geoffrey had a large cup of lemon iced tea with honey while I had a regular Thai iced tea.
To take a break from the sun, we decided to take an effortless T tour. Before dinner time, we transferred between the red line and the green line (B). We first hopped on the red line, going from Harvard square all the way to the south of Boston and saw people hopping on and off the train. Got on the green line, it went from underground stations in downtown area to above-the-ground stations, passing by Boston University's campus (east, central, west), getting to the suburb area. We took off T and walked to a Taiwanese style bakery to stock up bread for breakfast since Geoffrey has to attend the early morning session next day. Then we walked toward a Thai restaurant called Brown Sugar, where we enjoyed a shrimp patty appetizer, raman duck, and a seafood volcano (shrimp, scallop, mussel, squid, salmon). The seasoning was good with a lot of fresh herbs. The only problem was that we had too much food. :)
Minced Shrimp Patty (sorry, almost finished before the photo was taken) |
Seafood Volcano and Roasted Duck |
Visiting Boston, Day Two
Day Two, 8/22: Quite unfortunate for our brunch hunt, we walked to a panini shop which for no reason was not open that day. Then we quickly walked to the second choice on the list and only to find that it was no longer there and perhaps was replaced by Starbucks. We only can manage to survive and feed ourselves with some take-out food from Quincy market (chicken shawarma and beef with rice) only because it was just so close.
Geoffrey took off to the conference and I took T to explore downtown Boston. It was nice and warm. Glad that I had my hat with me. I walked around Public Garden and Boston Common and visited the old Trinity church (under reconstruction) and Copley square nearby. I also wondered into Chinatown and ran into a chinese supermarket behind an unlikely small door (entrance) where I picked up a couple of oranges for snack. Also, I went by a pastry shop and picked up a couple of buns for Geoffrey just in case he needed something for breakfast in early morning.
Swan boat on the lake @ Boston Public Garden |
Washington Statue |
Trinity Church |
Trinity Church under reconstruction |
We met at hotel before dinner and took T to Parish cafe for some decent dinner. Most people enjoyed outdoor dining, but we preferred to sit inside and enjoy warm food. We shared an entree salad (seared tuna on top of greens, tomato, cucumber, olive, boiled egg), Reggae wing, and Viera sandwich (flank steak sandwich). Geoffrey had a bottle of rye lager with the food. Sound like regular pub/cafe food but the seasoning was pretty good. Love the jerky chicken wings and steak sandwich served on french baguette. The menu offered a variety of creation on sandwiches by local chefs.
Visiting Boston, Day One
Day One, 8/21: We took the red-eye flight from Seattle to Boston. However, a couple of toddlers (who sat right behind us) "entertained" the entire flight with their crying-for-mommy and made a successful noisy attempt to keep some people awake. Glad that I caught some naps between their crying and wooing. Since this is my first trip to Boston area, we had decided to take T (subway) between the airport and the hotel. So both Geoffrey and I purchased the 7-day link pass for $15 per person. In that way, I can make good use of the pass and take time to do some sightseeing at Boston while Geoffrey tried to enjoy his conference.
Marriott Long Wharf with lots of tourists |
Although typically the hotel guests can only check into the guest rooms in Marriott Long Wharf, we were lucky enough to get into our room early in the morning and took a nap to make up the loss of sleep due to the red-eye flight. By the time I woke up to myself, it was almost noon and time for some brunch. Therefore, the first stop was surely Quincy Market in a short walking distance from the hotel. The market was full of tourists from all over the world. Spanish, Chinese, Greek, Italian and a lot of other languages that I can't identified were ringing around me.
We shared a clam chowder in the bread bowl and a piece pizza from Regina. The chowder was ok but too much potato fill the stomach easily instead of the nice creamy soup. The pizza was not enjoyable because it was not heated well or the seasoning was just not that great. Or I just did not choose the wrong flavor. We also tried some gelato (pineapple/orange/melon), ok but not impressive. We walked around the Quincy market and did whatever tourist should do--taking pictures.
We shared a clam chowder in the bread bowl and a piece pizza from Regina. The chowder was ok but too much potato fill the stomach easily instead of the nice creamy soup. The pizza was not enjoyable because it was not heated well or the seasoning was just not that great. Or I just did not choose the wrong flavor. We also tried some gelato (pineapple/orange/melon), ok but not impressive. We walked around the Quincy market and did whatever tourist should do--taking pictures.
After the short tour, we took a break from the heat after lunch and rested at the hotel. Geoffrey took a nap again.......Then, it came to dinner time. We set out to "Little Italy" area, where a strip of Italian restaurants, cafe, and pastry shops were feeding the hungry crowd. For the dinner, I picked "Daily Catch" with featuring Sicilian pasta. We shared a garden salad with some Italian soft bread/butter, an order of Calamari meatball in marinara sauce (very nice, but it would be better if the meatball could have been served hot instead of slightly warm), and a served-on-pan black pasta (Aglio Olio, ground squid sauteed with garlic + olive oil). Needless to say, the pasta was handmade and tasted just great. It's not something pasta you have in any chain restaurant. But be aware, it's a small place and CASH ONLY. Worth it!!
Calamari Meatballs |
Garden Salad and Bread&Butter |
Black Pasta served with the pan |
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
美國超市的零食餅乾幾乎80%以上都是甜的, 鹹的零食多半是chips要不然就太鹹, 已經吃了很多年, 都膩了.
自從知道有阿熊以後 周小兵怕我餓到 所以每次去Uwajimaya買菜都會提醒我買零食
不過就會盡量多買鹹的 不要太鹹的也不要太甜的
看心情採購大概就是海苔捲米果, 仙貝, 蔥的蘇打餅乾, 小小口糧餅乾, 有一種上面有糖粒的蘇打餅乾也不錯吃, 上星期有買義美牛奶小泡芙!!
最近補貨的有KIND PLUS NUTS&FRUITS BAR有很多口味可以選 (出門以防萬一用) <----蠻好吃, 又可以補充protein跟fiber!!
今天找到低鹽的bagel crisp要試試看, 之前吃過simply naked的pita chips也很好吃, 不過還是鹹了一點.
雖然講了這麼多餅乾類的零食, 水果還是我最喜歡的零食選擇!!
美國超市的零食餅乾幾乎80%以上都是甜的, 鹹的零食多半是chips要不然就太鹹, 已經吃了很多年, 都膩了.
自從知道有阿熊以後 周小兵怕我餓到 所以每次去Uwajimaya買菜都會提醒我買零食
不過就會盡量多買鹹的 不要太鹹的也不要太甜的
看心情採購大概就是海苔捲米果, 仙貝, 蔥的蘇打餅乾, 小小口糧餅乾, 有一種上面有糖粒的蘇打餅乾也不錯吃, 上星期有買義美牛奶小泡芙!!
最近補貨的有KIND PLUS NUTS&FRUITS BAR有很多口味可以選 (出門以防萬一用) <----蠻好吃, 又可以補充protein跟fiber!!
今天找到低鹽的bagel crisp要試試看, 之前吃過simply naked的pita chips也很好吃, 不過還是鹹了一點.
雖然講了這麼多餅乾類的零食, 水果還是我最喜歡的零食選擇!!
Monday, August 15, 2011
每日亂亂吃 8/15-8/21
8/15 B: 肉鬆土司&焗奶黃包各ㄧ, 豆漿ㄧ杯, kiwi*1 / L: 番茄牛肉湯麵+四季豆, 椰奶銀耳湯ㄧ大碗 / S: 小番茄ㄧ大碗, 米奇雞塊*8 / D: 排骨粥配炒茼蒿, XO醬燒豆腐, 雙色炒雞丁, 豆腐乳
8/16 B: 肉鬆起士土司, 豆漿ㄧ杯, kiwi*1 / L: 排骨粥配紅蘿蔔炒四季豆, 菜肉包 / S: 小番茄一大碗, 餅乾 / D: 白飯配黑胡椒洋蔥豬柳, 花椰菜炒櫛瓜, 燙豆干, 辣豬血, pluot*1
8/17 B: 肉鬆起士土司, 豆漿ㄧ杯 / L: 蔬菜湯麵ㄧ大鍋 / S: 小番茄ㄧ碗 / D: 拉麵ㄧ大碗, 日式炸雞, 幾口炒飯.
8/18 B: 10-grain hot cereal兩碗 / L: 蔬菜咖哩飯, croissant *1, pluot*1 / S: 米奇雞塊*9 / D: 菜肉包配青蔥蘿勒煎蛋, 青江菜, 土豆面筋, pluot*1
8/19 B: 10-grain hot cereal* 1 pint, kiwi*1 / S: Chocolate Almond Milk, 蘇打餅乾*3 / L: 自製免揉麵包配三蔬燴雞丁, Doritos chips (spicy sweet chili) / D: Garlic Fried Rice, orange juice兩杯, 冰淇淋半球, 牛奶小泡芙半包
8/20 B: 肉鬆蛋土司(今天不吃煎蛋, 水煮蛋一顆稍微壓碎鋪上吐司), 柳橙汁一杯, kiwi*1 / L: 番茄蔥蛋炒飯兩碗 / S: peach, mixed / D: beef shaved noodle soup / S: riceball*0.5
8/16 B: 肉鬆起士土司, 豆漿ㄧ杯, kiwi*1 / L: 排骨粥配紅蘿蔔炒四季豆, 菜肉包 / S: 小番茄一大碗, 餅乾 / D: 白飯配黑胡椒洋蔥豬柳, 花椰菜炒櫛瓜, 燙豆干, 辣豬血, pluot*1
8/17 B: 肉鬆起士土司, 豆漿ㄧ杯 / L: 蔬菜湯麵ㄧ大鍋 / S: 小番茄ㄧ碗 / D: 拉麵ㄧ大碗, 日式炸雞, 幾口炒飯.
8/18 B: 10-grain hot cereal兩碗 / L: 蔬菜咖哩飯, croissant *1, pluot*1 / S: 米奇雞塊*9 / D: 菜肉包配青蔥蘿勒煎蛋, 青江菜, 土豆面筋, pluot*1
8/19 B: 10-grain hot cereal* 1 pint, kiwi*1 / S: Chocolate Almond Milk, 蘇打餅乾*3 / L: 自製免揉麵包配三蔬燴雞丁, Doritos chips (spicy sweet chili) / D: Garlic Fried Rice, orange juice兩杯, 冰淇淋半球, 牛奶小泡芙半包
8/20 B: 肉鬆蛋土司(今天不吃煎蛋, 水煮蛋一顆稍微壓碎鋪上吐司), 柳橙汁一杯, kiwi*1 / L: 番茄蔥蛋炒飯兩碗 / S: peach, mixed / D: beef shaved noodle soup / S: riceball*0.5
Saturday, August 13, 2011
[15wk] 第三次產檢 (update)
8/18/2011 Update: 醫生剛剛打電話給我, 通知血液檢測都正常!! 下次去的時候可以跟醫生拿一份檢驗結果的copy.
領了抽血單跟第二次超音波預約單, 準備結束後去抽血跟打電話預約超音波的時間.
醫生說看起來一切正常, 又用心音放大器讓我聽了一陣子阿熊的咚咚心跳聲. 聽起來很規律也很有力的心跳聲, 讓我又比較真實感覺到阿熊的存在.
(現階段還不會感覺到阿熊的拳打腳踢, 所以平時他躲在裡面幹甚麼我也莫宅羊)
等到這一次的驗血結果出來, 就算是結束2-step screening的篩檢.
結合上一次的頸部透明帶跟驗血結果, 可以篩檢出胎兒罹患唐氏兒等基因疾病的概率.
接下來就是一個月後的第四次產檢加上第二次的超音波. 真期待又可以跟阿熊透過超音波相見歡的日子, 到時候有機會可以看看阿熊長大多少, 有沒有開心的動來動去.
今天等醫生等的有點久, 再加上等著被抽血也花了點時間, 所以一打完電話預約超音波, 就趕緊走去吃飯. 還好ㄧ個burrito勉強把我餵飽!!
下次應該照一下burrito有多大, 坐在我隔壁桌的ㄧ個高大鬍鬚男跟我差不多時間吃ㄧ份, 他沒吃完就收桌走人囉!! 另一邊的ㄧ對情侶望著各自面前的還在"慢食"的餐點, 看我輕鬆解決ㄧ份burrito, 無意間透露出"你真能吃"的眼神!! 哈哈!!
最後送上兩隻可愛的浣熊buddy跟大家問好 :)
領了抽血單跟第二次超音波預約單, 準備結束後去抽血跟打電話預約超音波的時間.
醫生說看起來一切正常, 又用心音放大器讓我聽了一陣子阿熊的咚咚心跳聲. 聽起來很規律也很有力的心跳聲, 讓我又比較真實感覺到阿熊的存在.
(現階段還不會感覺到阿熊的拳打腳踢, 所以平時他躲在裡面幹甚麼我也莫宅羊)
等到這一次的驗血結果出來, 就算是結束2-step screening的篩檢.
結合上一次的頸部透明帶跟驗血結果, 可以篩檢出胎兒罹患唐氏兒等基因疾病的概率.
接下來就是一個月後的第四次產檢加上第二次的超音波. 真期待又可以跟阿熊透過超音波相見歡的日子, 到時候有機會可以看看阿熊長大多少, 有沒有開心的動來動去.
今天等醫生等的有點久, 再加上等著被抽血也花了點時間, 所以一打完電話預約超音波, 就趕緊走去吃飯. 還好ㄧ個burrito勉強把我餵飽!!
下次應該照一下burrito有多大, 坐在我隔壁桌的ㄧ個高大鬍鬚男跟我差不多時間吃ㄧ份, 他沒吃完就收桌走人囉!! 另一邊的ㄧ對情侶望著各自面前的還在"慢食"的餐點, 看我輕鬆解決ㄧ份burrito, 無意間透露出"你真能吃"的眼神!! 哈哈!!
最後送上兩隻可愛的浣熊buddy跟大家問好 :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
昨天居振出門辦事情特別送了恩典牌的孕婦睡枕, 孕婦百科, 跟一片睡眠胎教音樂CD過來.
第一次收到恩典牌的贈禮, 真的很有趣.
這個孕婦睡枕當初還是靜舟買的, 之前他送給玉琪, 現在又輾轉到我手上.
從他們身上也學到很多生產相關知識, 希望阿熊也能健康又平安的在肚子裡好好長大, 明年出來相見, 跟大家say hello!!
第一次收到恩典牌的贈禮, 真的很有趣.
這個孕婦睡枕當初還是靜舟買的, 之前他送給玉琪, 現在又輾轉到我手上.
從他們身上也學到很多生產相關知識, 希望阿熊也能健康又平安的在肚子裡好好長大, 明年出來相見, 跟大家say hello!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
每日亂亂吃 8/8-8/14
8/8 B: 起士肉鬆土司, 豆漿一杯 / L: 芋頭包*3, 蔬菜咖哩飯*兩大碗, 小番茄 / S: Harvest Fruit Bar (so good!!!) / D: 白飯配蘑菇炒波菜, 黑胡椒煎鮭魚, 九層塔烘蛋, spicy tofu, pluot (dino egg)
8/9 B: 草莓果醬吐司, 豆漿一杯 / L: 雞肉蔬菜咖哩配白飯一大盤, broccolette, 白桃*1 / S: 小番茄一大碗 / D: 很多蔥的蔥烙餅兩塊, 日本米果*3小袋
8/10 B: 起士肉鬆土司, 豆漿一杯/ S: kiwi*1 / L: 雞肉蔬菜咖哩配白飯一大盤, 燙青菜一盤 / D: 牛肉麵配菠菜跟spicy tofu, cherry / S: 義美牛奶小泡芙一包
8/11 B: 奶酥跟肉鬆土司各一, 豆漿一杯 / L: 沙茶炒茼蒿金針菇一大盤, 蘿蔔絲抓餅*1 / S: 白桃*1, 日式米果*4 小包 / D: 蔥花蛋餅+花菜, 紅棗銀耳湯*2碗
8/12 B: 起士肉鬆土司, 豆漿一杯, kiwi*1 / L: Chicken burrito*1 / S: Red Mango yogurt ice cream with blackberry and kiwi / D: @過橋園, 牛肉捲餅*4, 小菜三件(豬耳朵, 夫妻肺片, 白斬雞), 剁椒牛肉, 毛血旺, 紅棗銀耳湯*2碗
8/13 B: 起士肉鬆蛋土司, 豆漿一杯, Orange*1 / L: 越南三明治, 小番茄一碗 / D: 白飯配牛筋, 炒青菜, 剁椒牛肉 / S: 摩摩喳喳半杯
8/14 B: 焗奶黃包*1, 蘿蔔絲抓餅加蛋, 豆漿ㄧ杯 / S, L: 日式米果, 恐龍蛋*2, 米奇雞塊*8 / D: 玉米排骨湯*3碗, 玉米*1.2, 蒸蛋, 蘑菇菠菜 / S: 椰奶銀耳湯
@@ 雞肉蔬菜咖哩: 雞肉切塊, 洋蔥丁, 紅蘿蔔丁, 芹菜丁, 番茄丁, 茄子丁, curry powder, paprika powder, cayenne pepper, allspice berries powder, 雞高湯(可用雞湯塊取代)
8/9 B: 草莓果醬吐司, 豆漿一杯 / L: 雞肉蔬菜咖哩配白飯一大盤, broccolette, 白桃*1 / S: 小番茄一大碗 / D: 很多蔥的蔥烙餅兩塊, 日本米果*3小袋
8/10 B: 起士肉鬆土司, 豆漿一杯/ S: kiwi*1 / L: 雞肉蔬菜咖哩配白飯一大盤, 燙青菜一盤 / D: 牛肉麵配菠菜跟spicy tofu, cherry / S: 義美牛奶小泡芙一包
8/11 B: 奶酥跟肉鬆土司各一, 豆漿一杯 / L: 沙茶炒茼蒿金針菇一大盤, 蘿蔔絲抓餅*1 / S: 白桃*1, 日式米果*4 小包 / D: 蔥花蛋餅+花菜, 紅棗銀耳湯*2碗
8/12 B: 起士肉鬆土司, 豆漿一杯, kiwi*1 / L: Chicken burrito*1 / S: Red Mango yogurt ice cream with blackberry and kiwi / D: @過橋園, 牛肉捲餅*4, 小菜三件(豬耳朵, 夫妻肺片, 白斬雞), 剁椒牛肉, 毛血旺, 紅棗銀耳湯*2碗
8/13 B: 起士肉鬆蛋土司, 豆漿一杯, Orange*1 / L: 越南三明治, 小番茄一碗 / D: 白飯配牛筋, 炒青菜, 剁椒牛肉 / S: 摩摩喳喳半杯
8/14 B: 焗奶黃包*1, 蘿蔔絲抓餅加蛋, 豆漿ㄧ杯 / S, L: 日式米果, 恐龍蛋*2, 米奇雞塊*8 / D: 玉米排骨湯*3碗, 玉米*1.2, 蒸蛋, 蘑菇菠菜 / S: 椰奶銀耳湯
@@ 雞肉蔬菜咖哩: 雞肉切塊, 洋蔥丁, 紅蘿蔔丁, 芹菜丁, 番茄丁, 茄子丁, curry powder, paprika powder, cayenne pepper, allspice berries powder, 雞高湯(可用雞湯塊取代)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
無意中看到這篇介紹(Leslie & Maggie: 蟲蟲飯 & 蝌蚪飲料 Quinoa & Chiai Seed) 終於在今天早上跑去Whole food順利的找到Chia Seeds (等我多吃幾次再來介紹這個據說很神奇的食物!!)
本來想在Whole food deli吃午餐的 無奈我餓的太快 他們的午餐菜色還沒擺上
當下決定利用Orca card搭metro bus到 u-way 上吃午餐, 考慮到不要吃油炸的東西 (不然好想吃falafel 配薯條跟飲料, 那一家的薯條真的還不錯吃 雖然很肥)
還是決定去吃Chipotle chicken burrito (雖然是沒創意的選擇,可是我每次都吃得開心又很飽)
搭車回家路上接到recruiter打來的電話 告知他們公司有考慮我為人選
所以繼上次的面試之後 這個最後一關是跟他們公司在歐洲的Vice President 進行telephone interview
I feel so much blessed and so sorry at the same time. Personally, I feel much obliged and appreciated for the opportunity to purse the job position at Houston. Although I decided not to pursue any further at this time.
因為跟家人談過之後, 也了解大多數的人會希望我留在西雅圖待產,等阿熊出來. 連我公婆都已經著手準備要訂機票在due date之前過來照顧我. 雖然這樣一來只是苦了周小兵, 因為我還是在家閒待, 對這個家庭沒有經濟貢獻. 其實一路走來真的很感謝明裡的公婆, 知道我總是慢別人很多拍, 花了六年時間才從博士班畢業, 找工作找很久沒下落也沒說甚麼, 肚皮沒消息也不忍心催我, 還安慰我現在的人都很晚婚又晚生育都有方法的. 不久前為了確定我有穿到畢業服拍照特別從台灣飛過來. (其實我自己都沒有想去拍照更不要說參加畢業典禮了 :p) 他們只是會擔心, 畢業後沒有工作的話, 我自己一個人在家很無聊, 沒事作. 這就是對吳小兵這麼好的公公婆婆!!
雖然我的阿爸跟阿母過去幾星期以來, 偶而會問說工作那邊有沒有通知好消息, 阿爸已經叫阿母換好新護照然後去準備美簽, 說如果工作一有著落,馬上叫阿母放下一切手邊的事情, 陪我飛到德州去工作, 照顧我準備生產前後. 當然對他們而言, 期盼阿熊平安出生的心情是不可言喻的. 因為早先, 阿母就不斷的提醒我, 再不努力生產報國, 不久就要變成高齡產婦. (對! 我爸媽是那種會擔心台灣人生育率過於低落以及相關衍生社會問題的人, 哈!)
每每想起阿爸阿母的無條件的支持跟心情,就覺得很感動地接不下話去. 可是重點昰:那家公司還沒有說要給我工作阿~ ~ ~不過, 這就是我的父母 :)
寫到這裡, 還是最感謝周小兵的忍耐, 他自己白天工作的很辛苦, 晚上還要看股票, 每天只是看到吳小兵在家裡發霉, 自從畢業之後找不到工作, 無所事事. 現在還更慘, 假藉阿熊名義在家大吃大喝, 有時還偷懶不煮飯. (噗!!)
謝謝我的家人們, 給我的耐心跟容忍, 真是無人能比 (hug)
本來想在Whole food deli吃午餐的 無奈我餓的太快 他們的午餐菜色還沒擺上
當下決定利用Orca card搭metro bus到 u-way 上吃午餐, 考慮到不要吃油炸的東西 (不然好想吃falafel 配薯條跟飲料, 那一家的薯條真的還不錯吃 雖然很肥)
還是決定去吃Chipotle chicken burrito (雖然是沒創意的選擇,可是我每次都吃得開心又很飽)
搭車回家路上接到recruiter打來的電話 告知他們公司有考慮我為人選
所以繼上次的面試之後 這個最後一關是跟他們公司在歐洲的Vice President 進行telephone interview
I feel so much blessed and so sorry at the same time. Personally, I feel much obliged and appreciated for the opportunity to purse the job position at Houston. Although I decided not to pursue any further at this time.
因為跟家人談過之後, 也了解大多數的人會希望我留在西雅圖待產,等阿熊出來. 連我公婆都已經著手準備要訂機票在due date之前過來照顧我. 雖然這樣一來只是苦了周小兵, 因為我還是在家閒待, 對這個家庭沒有經濟貢獻. 其實一路走來真的很感謝明裡的公婆, 知道我總是慢別人很多拍, 花了六年時間才從博士班畢業, 找工作找很久沒下落也沒說甚麼, 肚皮沒消息也不忍心催我, 還安慰我現在的人都很晚婚又晚生育都有方法的. 不久前為了確定我有穿到畢業服拍照特別從台灣飛過來. (其實我自己都沒有想去拍照更不要說參加畢業典禮了 :p) 他們只是會擔心, 畢業後沒有工作的話, 我自己一個人在家很無聊, 沒事作. 這就是對吳小兵這麼好的公公婆婆!!
雖然我的阿爸跟阿母過去幾星期以來, 偶而會問說工作那邊有沒有通知好消息, 阿爸已經叫阿母換好新護照然後去準備美簽, 說如果工作一有著落,馬上叫阿母放下一切手邊的事情, 陪我飛到德州去工作, 照顧我準備生產前後. 當然對他們而言, 期盼阿熊平安出生的心情是不可言喻的. 因為早先, 阿母就不斷的提醒我, 再不努力生產報國, 不久就要變成高齡產婦. (對! 我爸媽是那種會擔心台灣人生育率過於低落以及相關衍生社會問題的人, 哈!)
每每想起阿爸阿母的無條件的支持跟心情,就覺得很感動地接不下話去. 可是重點昰:那家公司還沒有說要給我工作阿~ ~ ~不過, 這就是我的父母 :)
寫到這裡, 還是最感謝周小兵的忍耐, 他自己白天工作的很辛苦, 晚上還要看股票, 每天只是看到吳小兵在家裡發霉, 自從畢業之後找不到工作, 無所事事. 現在還更慘, 假藉阿熊名義在家大吃大喝, 有時還偷懶不煮飯. (噗!!)
謝謝我的家人們, 給我的耐心跟容忍, 真是無人能比 (hug)
Monday, August 1, 2011
每日亂亂吃 8/1-8/7
8/1 B: 菜包*1, 豆漿一杯 / L: Broccolette一盤, 豬耳朵, 炸醬麵 / S: Naval Orange, 手工巧克力餅乾 / D: 烤飯糰*2, 雞腿,豆腐,青江菜, Rainier cherry
8/2 B: almond milk+oatmeal squares 1 cup, banana pancake*1, apple / L: Chipolte chicken burrito, iced tea / D: 白飯配豬耳朵, 雜碎牛肉, 西洋芹炒broccolette
8/3 B: 起士肉鬆土司,豆漿一杯 / L: Deli salad (spicy tofu& spelts /morrocan eggplant delight) from PCC, 菜包*1, Iced tea with chia seeds / S: apple 1/2 / D: 玉米排骨湯好幾碗, 玉米一根, 炒豬豆腐, 雞塊*1, 豬耳朵, 恐龍蛋*1
8/4 B: Almond milk+oatmeal square 一大碗, kiwi*1 / S: 蜂蜜蛋糕*1 slice / L: 玉米排骨湯一大碗, 蒜炒芹菜broccolette一碗, 起士番茄貝殼麵兩大碗 / D: @Tsukushinbo, 咖哩豬排飯, 沙拉, 鰻魚Nigiri*2, 烤雞排一塊, 毛豆一碟
8/5 B: 草莓醬吐司, 豆漿一杯 / L: 菜包*1, apple*1, 鹽味仙貝*4, blueberry scone / D: 麵線羹三碗, 白桃恐龍蛋各一
8/6 B: Almond milk + oatmeal squares一大碗, apple*1 / L: Dimsum燒賣*2, 蝦餃*2, 芋頭包*1, 鮮竹捲*1.5, 牛筋一大盤, 焗奶黃包*1 / D: 菜包*1, 番茄蘑菇湯*2 bowls, 小番茄一大把
8/7 B: 肉鬆蛋土司, 豆漿一杯 / L: 煎蔥餅, 焗奶黃包, 蔬菜湯 / S: 仙貝 / D: 白飯一碗, 魯油豆腐, 煎雞排, 炒油菜, 泡菜, 芒果汽水, Cherry
8/2 B: almond milk+oatmeal squares 1 cup, banana pancake*1, apple / L: Chipolte chicken burrito, iced tea / D: 白飯配豬耳朵, 雜碎牛肉, 西洋芹炒broccolette
8/3 B: 起士肉鬆土司,豆漿一杯 / L: Deli salad (spicy tofu& spelts /morrocan eggplant delight) from PCC, 菜包*1, Iced tea with chia seeds / S: apple 1/2 / D: 玉米排骨湯好幾碗, 玉米一根, 炒豬豆腐, 雞塊*1, 豬耳朵, 恐龍蛋*1
8/4 B: Almond milk+oatmeal square 一大碗, kiwi*1 / S: 蜂蜜蛋糕*1 slice / L: 玉米排骨湯一大碗, 蒜炒芹菜broccolette一碗, 起士番茄貝殼麵兩大碗 / D: @Tsukushinbo, 咖哩豬排飯, 沙拉, 鰻魚Nigiri*2, 烤雞排一塊, 毛豆一碟
8/5 B: 草莓醬吐司, 豆漿一杯 / L: 菜包*1, apple*1, 鹽味仙貝*4, blueberry scone / D: 麵線羹三碗, 白桃恐龍蛋各一
8/6 B: Almond milk + oatmeal squares一大碗, apple*1 / L: Dimsum燒賣*2, 蝦餃*2, 芋頭包*1, 鮮竹捲*1.5, 牛筋一大盤, 焗奶黃包*1 / D: 菜包*1, 番茄蘑菇湯*2 bowls, 小番茄一大把
8/7 B: 肉鬆蛋土司, 豆漿一杯 / L: 煎蔥餅, 焗奶黃包, 蔬菜湯 / S: 仙貝 / D: 白飯一碗, 魯油豆腐, 煎雞排, 炒油菜, 泡菜, 芒果汽水, Cherry
也談了他的近況 聊一聊時事 我跟阿兄分享了一句我覺得蠻有道理的話"Everything doesn't just happen once." 忘了從哪看/聽來的
google了一下 大概是從愛因斯坦講過的話來的"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."
阿兄跟我分享一句古語 "天道酬勤 厚德載物"
我也很喜歡 算是待人處事的大原則 在這裡記錄一下
也談了他的近況 聊一聊時事 我跟阿兄分享了一句我覺得蠻有道理的話"Everything doesn't just happen once." 忘了從哪看/聽來的
google了一下 大概是從愛因斯坦講過的話來的"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."
阿兄跟我分享一句古語 "天道酬勤 厚德載物"
我也很喜歡 算是待人處事的大原則 在這裡記錄一下
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